Voila un des albums que j'attend le + cette année .
Sinon j'ai hate d'écouter le titre avec Clint Eastwood ! Le titre serait une instrumental tres "Ennio Morricone" . Brad Paisley aurait appelé le Clint pour faire un sifflement sur la song . J'imagine déja bien la song tres ‘The Good, Bad and The Ugly,’ ! Apparament Brad Paisley serait ami de Clint et Dina Eastwood :
“So I emailed Dina and said, ‘Does he whistle?’ And she said, ‘Yeah, you want him to whistle on something?’ I said, ‘I have a thing that sounds like an Ennio Morricone, the guy that did all the spaghetti western music like ‘The Good, Bad and The Ugly,’ and of course it has to have [makes a whistle sound] all that kind of stuff. I asked, ‘Can he do that?’ She wrote back and said, ‘He’d love to’.”
The track is an instrumental that Brad describes as an “epic movie soundtrack-sounding Western.” Brad says that Clint came to the studio and was a consummate pro through the recording process.